Thursday, June 7, 2012

Iwo Jima DUKW, 1945

So this DUKW was purchased in 2011 for $20 on the way out the door of a show.  I never built one, and was kind of feeling guilty for not building enough American armor.  This ended up being one of the most fun kits I ever built.  Some resin accessories, scratch built life jacket/mail sacks.  the Academy .50s are beautiful.

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Some of the bits were pilfered from one of my Dragon Wagons.  Yes, I have more than one.

The kit anchor sucks, hopefully the chains distract from it.

Gotta love all the chains; this was basically weathering a boat.

So I finally decided to get with the times, 10 years after the fact, and start a blog.  It's mainly just to showcase the basement full of plastic I have.  I plan to update it regularly (like everyone who blogs).

I build mostly (all) WWII; there's just so much from a 6 year period.  This is my German 88mm flak 36; I've been on a real arty kick lately.